The Things We All Carry
The Things We All Carry
Stack on Tip of the Spear Leadership

Stack on Tip of the Spear Leadership

Welcome to Episode 89 of The Things We All Carry. This is a podcast I recorded with Mike Nasti of Tip of the Spear Leadership. He was gracious enough to let me use the recording as a standalone episode for The Things We All Carry. He reached out to me to talk about mental health and how it affects leadership, especially in the fire service. I think you can apply that to leadership in general. So hopefully what you hear  is worthwhile and interesting and you can take away something from it and apply it to your own life. I want to thank Mike for being a friend and being open to having me on the show. And for being the guest on my show a couple of times, I guess this technically makes number three for him. 

The Things We All Carry
The Things We All Carry
Your trauma is unique but your story is universal. The more we share our stories the more people we help. We all carry something into every call. An airpack, the irons, a hook, a hose line, an aid bag, a radio… name it. Each tool is useful and has its’ purpose. It’s what we all carry out of the call I’m concerned about. For the longest time we have shrugged off our traumas….”I just did my job”. The time has come to treat these experiences for what they truly are...