The Things We All Carry
The Things We All Carry
Chris B - VA Leashes of Valor

Chris B - VA Leashes of Valor

Episode 99 iwith Chris Bowers…Director of Programs 
withLeashes of Valor.

Leashes of Valor is a non-profit in Fredericksburg, Virginia that trains service dogs for post-9/11 veterans. These highly trained dogs help veterans who have experienced PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Military Sexual Trauma. 

Chris joined the show to share his story and give us the background about the organization.

You can learn more about their staff, their mission, and how to donate

The Things We All Carry
The Things We All Carry
Your trauma is unique but your story is universal. The more we share our stories the more people we help. We all carry something into every call. An airpack, the irons, a hook, a hose line, an aid bag, a radio… name it. Each tool is useful and has its’ purpose. It’s what we all carry out of the call I’m concerned about. For the longest time we have shrugged off our traumas….”I just did my job”. The time has come to treat these experiences for what they truly are...