The Things We All Carry
The Things We All Carry
Bobby - NC

Bobby - NC

Bobby is out of Raleigh, North Carolina. He joined the fire service as a  part of the junior program in 2008. He turned 18 and he was hired as a career firefighter. He is what you would call your prototypical black cloud. Any, as he said, any fucked up call in the department has happened when he's been on shift.  He's had  numerous traumatic calls. In 2018 he had a brush with death He brushes it off as I spent some time in the hospital kind of thing but he  came close to damn near dying.

Between constant work,full time firefighting, part time firefighting, chimney work, construction work, he left no time for family and it took a toll. Then he had this call that just tipped the scales and something snapped. He reached out for help after a suicide attempt. You'll hear in the show where that suicide attempt was and how he was found. He found this program called Shields and Stripes, and he spent a month out in Arizona with this program and he can't say enough good things about it.  They allowed him to find himself. They allowed him to find some of the root causes of what's going on. They allowed him to repair himself, repair his relationship with his family and start down a path of health and happiness basically.  

The Things We All Carry
The Things We All Carry
Your trauma is unique but your story is universal. The more we share our stories the more people we help. We all carry something into every call. An airpack, the irons, a hook, a hose line, an aid bag, a radio… name it. Each tool is useful and has its’ purpose. It’s what we all carry out of the call I’m concerned about. For the longest time we have shrugged off our traumas….”I just did my job”. The time has come to treat these experiences for what they truly are...